Individual Evaluations
$100 (includes written feedback and a 20-min Zoom consultation) / Jump to Reviews
If you are learning Russian as a second language and would like detailed feedback on your pronunciation from me, please email me at kiradimattia@gmail.com to request an evaluation.
An evaluation from me is like a pronunciation “diagnosis”: I give you a specific set of tasks to record, ask you to listen back to your recording and complete a self-assessment, provide you with written feedback on your self-assessment, and meet with you for a 20-minute consultation on Zoom to follow up.
During the Zoom session we discuss the feedback I’ve provided, we work on some of the issues together, and I recommend study techniques tailored to your personal needs. I charge $100.00 USD total for the written feedback and the Zoom session together.
I do evaluations on an occasional basis (I don’t always have time!) so be sure to email me first to see whether I can take on the job. If you have already emailed me and I have confirmed that I can do an eval for you, please follow the directions below.
Looking forward to working with you!
Step 1 – Email Me
Email me at kiradimattia@gmail.com to make sure I have time to do your evaluation! Only proceed to Step 2 if you have received confirmation from me!
Step 2 – Record Yourself
Record yourself performing the four tasks below. A video is better than an audio recording so I can see your mouth, but the clarity of the audio is the most important thing!
Task 3: Sentences
Read the sentences below.
Ка́тя! Как дела́?
Ску́чно! Идёт дождь.
Пого́да сего́дня. На у́лице темно́.
Ему́ всего́ оди́н год.
Хо́чешь в зоопа́рк? Хорошо́.
Уже́ три часа́? Пора́ идти́.
Э́то твоё ро́зовое пла́тье? Нет, её.
Э́то друзья́? Нет, бра́тья.
Мы вчера́ бы́ли в теа́тре.
Ты куда́ идёшь? К И́ре, коне́чно!
Уро́к ско́ро начина́ется.
Ну, как дома́шняя рабо́та? Легко́!
Task 4: Spontaneous Speech
Tell me a little bit about your world in Russian (3-5 sentences). You could tell me about yourself, what you see around you, or what happened yesterday…whatever you want to say. Don’t worry about being perfect! If you are a beginner, say any 3-5 sentences that feel familiar to you.
Task 1: Warm Up
Read the words from left to right.
а о у
та то ту
там том ту́мба
да́ма до́ма ду́ма
ю е и
и и́ми и
и идти́ тип
и иди́ Ди́ма
Task 2: Words
Read the words below.
давно́, э́ту
том, тёмный
жизнь, центр
го́рода, зоопа́рк
ве́чер, октября́
3 часа́, ро́зовое
в теа́тре, как дела́
сел, съел
друзья́, бра́тья
для неё, встреча́ться
дома́шняя, об И́горе
во́дка, коне́чно
Step 4 – Listen & Complete the Self-Assessment
Listen back to your recording and follow the directions on the self-assessment. (This is important! It tells me what your ear is telling you.) I will add my feedback into the document after you submit it.
Step 5 – Complete the Payment Process
Complete the payment process. The total cost for written feedback and a 20-minute Zoom consultation is $100.00 USD.
Step 6 – Submit Your Recording & Self-Assessment
Share your recording and self-evaluation with me – and shoot me an email at kiradimattia@gmail.com so I know it's ready for me to look at! In your email, be sure to tell me what your parameters are for a Zoom call in terms of my time zone (Eastern Time in the US, the time zone for New York City), so that I can propose a couple of meeting times.
What happens next?
After you complete the steps above, I will download your recording and self-evaluation. I’ll listen and finish my part of the evaluation, adding to what you’ve already written. Then I’ll send the evaluation back to you with my feedback added to it and propose a few times to Zoom together. Hope I get to work with you soon!